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Mental Health Forum

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Depression Help Forum

Ask questions and for help dealing with depression, we will reach out to help you! Please be thorough and fairly straightforward, don't fear dismissal or criticism; as our goal here is to help you to improve, without pressuring or forcing anything on you. We are a team of educated neuro-endocrine experts , with a very helpful background. Forexworld is the moderator and head captain of this forum , besides me.

Moderators: forexworld12, kpavel
10268Got anhedonia an...
Wed Oct 02, 2019 6:05 am
johns View latest post
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Anxiety Help Forum

Discuss and be amongst those who suffer from various anxiety disorders. You may put your treatment experiences, and what you believe is or isn't worth it. Let's be gentle to each other and welcoming! This is not a place to bash others or put them down. Nonsense will be moved to the broken city or garbage depending on the content.

Moderators: forexworld12, kpavel
9260PTSD - like symp...
Sun Aug 16, 2020 9:26 am
weeniest View latest post

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